What about Faith? Why do we believe in God? Here are some thoughts:

Faith in God is a response of the human heart to the amazing world we are in. It is a response to the complexity of humanity. It is a response to experiences that defy the natural senses (the spiritual world). It is a response to the desire to know what happens after our physical death. It is an effort to know about a possible unseen world that we may be able to participate in. It is a response to the human desire to transcend the difficulties of a life that is full of pain and suffering. Human beings have sought to understand all this and themselves throughout the ages through expressions of Faith that goes beyond the seen and tangible things.
Today, we know a lot more about some of these things through the advances of science, but we are nowhere close to answering all the questions raised by human beings through the ages. Science, of course, will never be able to answer the question about who God is or even if he exists. The empirical method of science is geared toward understanding the physical world. It cannot be applied to the spiritual world unless it is greatly modified to take into account things that defy the physical laws.
People turn to Faith in God not just out of ignorance, but because of their own personal experiences with the spiritual world. Many scientists are people with Faith in God because they know that there are plenty of things science will never be able to answer. Faith has provided hope at times of distress and brought joy at times when the laws of nature were defied. Faith seems to be an integral aspect of the human experience.